November Divine Tidbits ❤️‍🩹+😂=🙏🏼

Oct 29, 2021
November Divine Tidbits from Crystal Heinemann of The Psychic Soul

Welcome to November #Wayshowers 💫

Happy 11/1! There's a great spiritual meaning around the energy of today. Many cultures recognize today as the day to recognize and honor those souls who have shed their physical bodies (tangible) and entered into the intangible phase. Many cultures view this ritual as the beginning of the cycles of seasons of life. 

Not only are we experiencing this, we are also experiencing metaphorical seasons of life. 'Deaths' of certain aspects within us and then 're-birthing' that energy into something that is in alignment with our next chapter or story. 

More specifically for November, we are being guided to release our old attachments to pain and suffering. 

Allow that to sit with you for a moment...Have you ever thought about it from that perspective? That whatever strife or discomfort you may be experiencing currently, that subconsciously there may be an attachment to the time and energy spent on it? 

Play along with me, if you can bring to your awareness something in your current life that is causing you heightened anxiety or stress; pain or suffering. What would it look like if that pain and suffering that is most likely causing stress and anxiety were non-existent in this moment? What would you fill that time and energy with? If you don't know, then there perhaps may be an 'attachment' to the discomfort and what it represents for you. 

One Ascended Master that I love working with for this is Green Tara. I will ask for her unconditional love and support in helping me release my attachment to 'xyz' pain and suffering. Then I will chant her mantra:

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

Until I feel my stress and anxiety release and settle. Her mantra is great to do on a daily basis even if you are not experiencing anything specific. I always feel a sense of peace within this practice. 

Most of us in the #Wayshower community have been on a long, deep dive into self healing. Often to the point of exhaustion in all of our bodies; physical, emotional, mental and subtle. 

What FINALLY came through is we must first heal ourselves and only then can we heal the collective. The collective energy is a reflection of our attachments to pain and suffering. 

As we heal ourselves, then collective energy can then heal. Not the other way around.

No big task, right? 😜 Hang in their #Wayshowers, I am right there with you!

Lastly, this is a month of experiencing unconditional love and gratitude! One of my daily mantra's to express gratitude is:

I am sending infinite love and gratitude to all beings with and without body that contribute to my well-being; mind, body, soul and spirit.

I feel like that covers all of my bases, haha. I'd love to hear how you express your love and gratitude in these shifting times ☺️

Be well and take care of yourselves #Wayshowers 💫

Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏🏼- Crystal of

Crystal is the Founder of The Psychic Soul and is a Meditation Guide, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer.