New Moon in Aries 🌚♈️🐏

Mar 29, 2022

#NewMoon #April #2022 #GuidedMeditation

Happy April New Moon, #Wayshowers 🌚🧘‍♀️

 Every new moon, we start a new lunar cycle. A symbol and opportunity for new beginnings. In addition, the April New Moon starts a new zodiac cycle.

This particular New Moon has some of the most alchemical, re-birthing & igniting energies!

We can harness these energies to transmute energy and ignite creativity & passion during this fiery April New Moon.

Some spirit animals that may appear in the form or formless are Salamanders, Fireflies, Butterflies, Eagles and Dragons. These are all animals connected to the Fire Element and have a strong connection to the Elemental Realm.

New Moons guide us to go inwards and full moons help us express a more outward energy. This is why we may feel more quiet around a new moon and more expressive or emotional around a full moon.

Under the dark night of the Fire Element 🔥New Moon in April ♈️, it has the potential to bring to light fears, disruption and conflict. It also has some supercharged forward motion and resolution energy attached to it, which may feel really wonderful after a few sluggish months.

Within this meditation, I’ll guide you to release and let go with the lunar cycle. Next, manifesting under a New Moon will supercharge the energy and intent behind your dreams and wishes.  Next, harnessing the fire element, I’ll guide you through manifesting and activating your dreams from formless to form to materialize here on Earth. 

I’m grateful to meditate with you under the April New Moon!

Be well and take care of yourselves #Wayshowers 💫

Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏🏼- Crystal of

Crystal is the Founder of The Psychic Soul and is a Meditation Guide, Spiritual Teacher & Mentor and Intuitive Healer.



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