May Divine Tidbits 🤕+📚=😂

Apr 30, 2021
Crystal of The Psychic Soul blogs about May Divine Tidbits

Welcome to May #Wayshowers 💫

The end of April, we moved through our 1st of 4 Supermoon's of 2021. The April Supermoon was designed to help us release an intense amount of our programming from this lifetime, other lifetimes and our ancestral lineage.  Has your energy field recovered yet?  

I experienced all ends of the spectrum this week. From feeling tired to vitalized. Sad to happy. Feisty to peaceful. Wanting to fill my body with all organic goodness to ordering a pizza. All of my clients & students reported the same experiences. Aren't we beautifully complex?

Early this morning, I woke to my Spirit Guides nudging me to wake up as they wanted to give me some downloads. I resisted for a bit and then couldn't turn their chatter off. I rose, grabbed my coffee, my bulldog Luna and sat down with my Guides in our garden. It was May Divine Tidbits download time! 

We can expect to continue the trend of trauma's and triggers showing up through May, quite strongly. This seems to be our main theme. 

How this may look in your day to day life here on Earth is within you, you may have repeated memories, thoughts and dreams of people, places, experiences from your present or past that you've thought you had already worked through. Or maybe haven't thought about them in quite some time and now they're reappearing. 

This is designed for you to essentially 'be in your feelings' with them. Not to brush them under the rug or dismiss them. This is a measure for you. How do you now react to these memories? Do you start to boil inside? Are you neutral? Are you able to actually 'be in' the feeling or ashamed of how you acted in that moment? Or do you send the experience love? Forgiveness or even joyful laughter?  

There is no right or wrong answer. Everything you experience, is exactly where you are, which is a beautiful space and authentic to you. 

It's also important to remember that this is happening to everyone. Not just you. 

With that, on the flip side, you may be 'in the line of fire' of someone who is working their triggers within their trauma. How this may look is you're interacting with someone and they have a very strong reaction to something you may have said or did; when you're simply just being you. 

Again, this is a measure for you. How're you going to react? Will you give their trigger trauma the power of your energy by answering with your very own trigger trauma? How you would know you're doing this, is by blurting out the first thing that comes to your mind or the fire within you answers. Allowing your trauma energy to answer. 

This is not your divine state of being. Our divine state of being is compassionate neutrality. When you are no longer 'triggered' compassionate neutrality becomes an automated response and it feels really good to your Soul.

Will you simply watch from compassionate neutrality with the understanding that they're working some trauma energy? Essentially stepping away from the line of fire. Can you feel the difference?  

Through May, we'll also energetically be working on 'Reprogramming our Motivation'. Over the last 18 months, we've gone through so many energy upgrades that our bodies have been set to exhaustion. The uplifting news, is this is lifting & we'll start to 're-learn' how to become motivated again within our new higher state of being. Sort of a 're-emergence' if you will. Please take baby steps. 

There's also a flavor of 'de-cluttering' both literally and figuratively. You may find yourself doing a major 'spring cleaning' within aspects of your life.  After the clutter is gone, clarity presents itself. 

Lastly, laugh until your tummies hurt!  Laughter is the remedy for May.

Laughter clears energy very quickly. Especially within our 3rd Chakras which are really being worked with all of this releasing. It brings us into a higher frequency of joy!  Which is heart chakra energy. 

Laugh as often as you can! As the world is starting to open again, laugh with friends, family, pets, nature. Put on your favorite comedy series if you  don't have access to a community. Anything you can do to laugh, this will greatly benefit you for May!

Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏🏼

-Crystal Heinemann

Founder of The Psychic Soul. Meditation Guide. Spiritual Teacher. Wayshower.