July 2023 Full Super Moon Guided Meditation and Rituals

Jul 01, 2023
July 2023 Full Super Moon Guided Meditation and Rituals by Crystal of The Psychic Soul

Welcome to the July Full Super Moon in Capricorn,

Where we embark on a transformative journey under the influence of the July 2023 Full Super Moon. I'm Crystal, your guide! I'm honored to meditate alongside you under the moon's potent energy. Join me in this guided meditation as we tap into the immense power of the full moon to release, shift, and attune our chakras.

Harnessing the Power of the Full Super Moon:

The July 2023 Full Super Moon is a lunar event that holds potent releasing energy. During this meditation, we will explore the extraordinary releasing and amplifying power of the Super moon. By aligning ourselves with this cosmic force, we can raise our frequency and attune our chakras, creating peace, calm and alignment with the full moon in Capricorn.

Capricorn Full Moon and Manifestation:

The Capricorn full super moon adds an extra layer of significance to this meditation. Capricorn, the governing sign of this lunar phase, emphasizes the influence of our manifestations. It's a time to be acutely aware of the power we hold in shaping our reality through our words, thoughts, feelings and visions. Together, let's cultivate a conscious understanding of the energies we're nurturing within ourselves and projecting into the world.

Benefits of Guided Meditation and Full Moon Ritual Practices:

Guided meditation offers a plethora of benefits for our mind, body and soul. By participating in this practice, you can experience deep relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced focus, improved sleep and a strengthened mind-body-soul connection. Additionally, engaging in full moon ritual practices can provide metaphysical and spiritual benefits. These rituals allow us to tap into the energetic frequencies of the full moon, accessing its transformative power. By incorporating rituals like release and receive yoga practices, singing moon mantras, intuitive dance movements and cosmically curated tea recipes, we open ourselves to the energetic currents of the full moon, amplifying our intentions and manifestations.

Manifesting Under the Moon - Episode 4 | July 2023 Full Super Moon Ritual Practices:

If you're ready to dive deeper into the full moon magic, I invite you to explore our one-time purchase product, "Manifesting Under the Moon - Episode 4: July 2023 Full Super Moon Ritual Practices." This offering provides a comprehensive collection of rituals designed specifically for the July Full Super Moon. Along with the release and receive yoga practice, singing moon mantras, and intuitive dance movement, you'll also receive an extra special Full Super Moon in Capricorn energy report. Delve into the profound metaphysical and spiritual benefits of these rituals and unlock your potential for manifestation and transformation.


Join our Monthly Full and New Moon Membership:

For ongoing support and access to new and full moon rituals, consider joining our monthly membership! As a member, you'll receive exclusive content, including fresh rituals and practices for new moon and full moon, as well as other spiritual practices and insights. Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded individuals and deepen your spiritual journey with regular opportunities for growth and connection.


Work with Crystal of the Psychic Soul:

If you're interested in further exploration and guidance on your spiritual journey, I offer various services to support your growth. Visit the links below to learn more about working with me and the personalized experiences I provide. Together, we can delve deeper into your spiritual path and unlock your true potential.

Thank you for joining me on this magical journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

- Crystal

🔮 ➡️ PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: https://www.thepsychicsoul.com/pd-1-online

🪬 ➡️ MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP: https://www.thepsychicsoul.com/mooniverse

🌚 ➡️ NEW MOON MANIFESTING: https://www.thepsychicsoul.com/NewMoon

🌝 ➡️ FULL MOON RELEASE RITUAL: https://www.thepsychicsoul.com/FullMoonRitual

👩🏽‍💻 ➡️ WEBSITE: https://www.thepsychicsoul.com

📲 ➡️ https://www.instagram.com/shine.with.crystal/