Harnessing the Power of the August Full Super Moon in Aquarius - A Guided Meditation

Jul 29, 2023
Harnessing the Power of the August Full Super Moon in Aquarius - A Guided Meditation

Welcome, Fellow Changemakers!

Today, we embark on a transformative journey under the cosmic influence of the August Full Super Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Join me, Crystal, from The Psychic Soul, as we delve into the powerful energies of the August Full SuperMoon. In this blog post, I'll guide you through a powerful and mindful meditation that will help us release what no longer serves us, cleanse our chakra system and align with our higher selves.

The August Full Super Moon - Illuminating the Path of Release and Evolution:

As the moon reaches its fullest phase in August, it shines with ten times the brightness of a regular full moon, magnifying its impact on our lives. The powerful illumination provided by this Super Moon brings to light any aspects that need to be released, urging us to let go of what no longer resonates with our current frequency. This cosmic power empowers us to undergo profound shifts and evolve into our truest most authentic selves.

Aquarius - The Water Bearer, Bridging Air and Water:

The August Super Full Moon finds itself in Aquarius, a sign symbolized by the Water Bearer. This zodiac sign bridges the elements of air and water, making it a conduit for collecting emotional and psychic energy. Guided by the power of breath, Aquarius heals and transmutes this energy before returning it to its natural state of being - zero point.

The Cosmic Healing Activation by Chariklo:

During the August Full Super Moon, there is an additional cosmic healing activation by the asteroid Chariklo. This cosmic activation awakens within us a sense of compassion, healing, and altruism. As Chariklo completes a six-pointed star, it ignites energies of creation, miracles, divination, protection, and destiny, activating our Spirit Medicine. Through this divine guidance, we can connect with the tools needed to heal our bodies and strengthen our life force energy.

Guided Meditation for Transformation:

Under the August Full Super Moon, I invite you to experience a powerful guided meditation that embraces the cosmic energies and alchemizes all that no longer serves us. Through this meditation, we will cleanse, detoxify, and revitalize our chakras and energy field, making space for heart-centered experiences.

Accompanied by the soothing resonance of powerful crystal bowls and tuning forks, this meditation will bring us back to our natural state of being, promoting cellular enlightenment and returning our cells to oneness.

Manifesting Under the Moon - August 2023 Full Super Moon Ritual Practices:

If you're ready to dive deeper into the full moon magic, I invite you to explore our one-time purchase product, "Manifesting Under the Moon - August 2023 Full Super Moon Ritual Practices." This offering provides a comprehensive collection of rituals designed specifically for the August Full Super Moon. Along with the release and receive yoga practice, singing moon mantras, and intuitive dance movement. Delve into the profound metaphysical and spiritual benefits of these rituals and unlock your potential for manifestation and transformation.


Join our Monthly Full and New Moon Membership:

For ongoing support and access to new and full moon rituals, consider joining our monthly membership! As a member, you'll receive exclusive content, including fresh rituals and practices for new moon and full moon, as well as other spiritual practices and insights. Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded individuals and deepen your spiritual journey with regular opportunities for growth and connection.


Work with Crystal of the Psychic Soul:

If you're interested in further exploration and guidance on your spiritual journey, I offer various services to support your growth. Visit the links below to learn more about working with me and the personalized experiences I provide. Together, we can delve deeper into your spiritual path and unlock your true potential.

Thank you for joining me on this magical journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

- Crystal

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