March Full Moon Meditation 🌝

Mar 26, 2021

Please allow me, Crystal Heinemann of The Psychic Soul to take you on a guided meditation journey during the March Full Moon.

The March Full Moon is a very loving and gentle full moon.

Within this meditation, I’ll guide you to ground into Mother Earth and then gently release whatever is no longer serving you. Next, with the help of Chiron the Wound Healer, we’ll guide you to heal & re-integrate the parts of you that you have left behind in past, present & future relationships. By doing so, activating the loving energy within you to its highest potential and expression. Harnessing the loving Venus healing energies on offer during the March Full Moon.

This full moon nudges us to call in loving partnerships without malice, selfishness or dominance. To bring forward soul mate partnerships in: love, business and life. It's all about re-birthing your loving energy and connecting to the divine love within you. Then projecting your divine love onto partnerships and community.

During The March New Moon Venus the planet of love, Father Sun and Chiron are all in alignment. This configuration may stir up some Wounded Healer love scars.

Which may communicate to you through floating thoughts & memories from this lifetime Or other lifetimes. Chiron is represented as a Centaur and was abandoned at birth and left to fend for itself. It was in this wound of abandonment and suffering through it’s upbringing that it was able to rise up, and turn its wounds into powerful portals of healing. This is why Chiron is referred to as The Wounded Healer. We all possess the same powers as Chiron. Inside each one of us, we have the ability to take our wounds from our pain and suffering and turn them into a source of divine power, strength and healing.

As the poet Rumi says, "the wound is where the light enters you."

Within this meditation, I'll guide you to release whatever is no longer serving you. Then Lady Light, the moon herself and Chiron will bring forward and heal all of your old love wounds and scars transmuting these wounds to divine light. Restoring and harmonizing them, bringing you to your highest expression and potential of love. You'll end the meditation feeling completely loved, supported, restored and relaxed. Ready to take on your next steps in the love in your life! Most importantly, activating the love within you.

This is an easy and gentle guided meditation.

Enjoy and please share👍 🙏

Be well my #Wayshower Tribe 💫✌🏼

Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏

-Crystal Heinemann

Creatrix of The Psychic Soul and #Wayshower community