Heather Ann

Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Teacher, Holistic Healer & Empowerment Coach


Heather holds a masters degree, coaching certifications, countless trainings, professional achievements, and years of experience with psychology, quantum physics, transformation, holistic health, and authentic empowerment - yet they are only relevant because she continuously does the inner work! Her ongoing practice with the laws of nature and energy, ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, world travel, cosmic realms, plant medicines, quantum healing, spiritual practices, and mastering mind and body help her to guide both men and women, of all ages and backgrounds, to create massive transformation in their Life.

Her heart has a special mission, however, to serve the newest awakened wave of Light Warriors, StarSeeds, Senior Souls, WayShowers, Earth Guardians, GateKeepers, Grid Activators – the Carriers of the Light – those who feel a unique, yet collective purpose, in creating the new, higher vibrational Earth. 

She chose to come to Earth, to experience her own Soul’s expansion, as well as to assist humanity, our planet, and our celestial star system, and YOU, in creating more love and empowerment!

Heather's Summit Schedule

 January 1st:   StarSeed Codes and Activations

Listen in as Heather explains the unique design us StarSeeds have and how to utilize our uniqueness to feel empowered as we galactivate ourselves, others, and Gaia. StarSeeds bring in new data, frequencies, geometry, sounds, and experiences, and thus, we are not meant to fit in or fix the current system. We came to bring the new!

Exclusive Offer From Heather

During this event, Heather is giving every summit participant a quick reference guide and a guided audio, to align with your heart energy to pump vitality and empowerment frequencies into your being, as well as become a gateway for accessing higher realms of consciousness. Additionally, Heather is offering a 22% discount for her individual coaching sessions, which include either a healing and empowerment session or a clarity session. You will also find coaching bundles on her website that offer free sessions when you purchase five or ten coaching sessions, which you can use for you and as a gift for a friend!


50% Complete

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Please fill out the form below and we will send via email Crystal's special offers as well as the Summit Schedule so you can tune in to hear her speak!